GKC Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Karting Championship cum Hong Kong Karting Championship (Round 4)

Venue︰ Guangdong JS Racing International Circuit
[KAOHKC Members only]
Squad Training Date︰
Squad Training Application Deadline︰

Squad Training Notice︰
Squad Training Schedule︰
Squad Training Entry Fee︰

31st August, 2024 (Saturday)
18th August, 2024 (Sunday)

2024 Squad Training Notice R4(Updated on 15 August 2024)
Race Date︰
Race Application Deadline︰

Race Direction︰

Race Notice︰
Race Schedule︰
31st August – 1st September, 2024 (Saturday & Sunday)
18th August, 2024 (Sunday)


2024 Race Notice R4(Updated on 15 August 2024)
2024 Race Tentative Schedule
Race Classes Race Entry Fee
Nova Class Ordinary Member︰FREE;
Community Member︰RMB 510 / HKD 580
GKC X30 Regulated Class RMB 2,410 / HKD 2,880
GKC Rotax Regulated Class RMB 1,710 / HKD 2,080
Cadet Class

RMB 1,200 / HKD 1,500
Junior Class
GKC Heavy Class
Senior Class
Master Class (≥ 35) + RMB 300 / HKD 375
Qualified athlete who applied KAOHKC Category and aged to Master / Veteran Class will contend
for that class at the same time, and if athlete would like to contend both classes may
request to pay an extra entry fee.

Qualified athlete who applied KAOHKC Category will contend for GKC Category at the same time, 

however, only one of GKC Senior Class or GKC Master Class can be chosen once if awarded.
Veteran Class (≥ 45)
GKC Master Class (≥ 32) RMB 1,200 / HKD 1,500

Schedule – 2024 Hong Kong Karting Championship

Round 1︰13th – 14th January, 2024 (Guangdong JS Racing International Circuit)

Round 2︰13th – 14th April, 2024 (Guangdong Dahema Racetrack)

Round 3︰11th – 12th May, 2024 (Guangdong JS Racing International Circuit)

Round 4︰31st August – 1st September, 2024 (Guangdong JS Racing International Circuit)

Round 5︰TBC

2024 Hong Kong Karting Championship – Yearly Championship Standings

2024 Hong Kong Karting Championship – Sporting Regulations (Chinese Version Only)